FAQ - How do I remove an Instant Alert banner without deleting it?
Amy Fawcett avatar
Written by Amy Fawcett
Updated over a week ago

Yes you can deactivate the alert at anytime from the Instant Alert Details page or by using the Bulk Update feature from the Instant Alert list page.From the Instant Alert list page, click on the alert you’d like to remove from the Portal. This will then bring you to the Instant Alert Details page, which will provide a “Deactivate Alert” icon in the alert details menu bar. This will remove the banner from the portal, but will not delete the alert from the list page. To reactivate, select this alert from the Instant Alert list page and use the “Activate Alert” icon from the alert details menu bar.To deactivate (or reactivate) more than one alert at a time, from the Instant Alert list page, click the “Bulk Update” icon to the left of the list. Select the alerts you would like to manage, scroll to the bottom of the page and from the Bulk Update drop down menu select the applicable activation option. Click “Edit” to update.Note: Alerts can only be changed to Active status up until the expiration date of the alert. If the expiration date of the alert has passed, you will need to edit the alert and change the expiration date to a current or future date and time to make the alert active.

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