Retailer FAQs
Amy Fawcett avatar
Written by Amy Fawcett
Updated over a week ago

Q: How long do I have to submit my offer?
A: All retailers have 10 days to submit offers.

Q: How are tenants receiving my offer?
A: All Deals sent via email twice a month and on Property’s website

Q: How do tenants redeem the offer?
A: Tenants will redeem the offer by showing the email or Property’s App.

Q: How do I view my offer?
A: Your offer can be viewed on the Property Website after it has been updated each month.

Q: Can I submit more than 1 offer?
A: Yes you can submit up to 2 offers each month.

Q: Do I have access to the Property’s App?
A: Yes access can be requested through the Register on the Property website.

Disclaimer - Answers may vary on a property by property basis please check with the Property Management team.

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