Reservations App Clean Up

Archive past Reservations, Review Amenity Settings and Preferences.

Amy Fawcett avatar
Written by Amy Fawcett
Updated over a week ago

Use Bulk Update to Archive or Delete past Reservations:

The Reservations List page can become cluttered with past Reservations. Follow the steps below to archive or delete Reservations you don't need to see in the list. 

  1. Navigate to the Reservations List Page and use the Filters (or Search) on the left to sort the list.

  2. Click Bulk Update on the left, select Reservations from list you want to manage, scroll to the bottom and select Delete or Archive from the dropdown menu, and click Submit.

    Please Note: Deleted Reservations will be removed from the system entirely.  We recommend Archiving items you don't want to see in the list but may need to come back to in the future.

Review the Amenity Settings to ensure they are set up correctly:

There are multiple settings that can be applied to each Amenity in the Reservations Application. Beyond the basic daily Availability, you can add Scheduled Closings, Minimum Notice, Edit/Cancellation time, Future Reservations limits, and Time Between Reservations. Reservation Options and Setup Options, which are managed in the application Preferences, can be enabled or disabled for each individual Amenity in the Amenity Details section. 

  1. Navigate to the Amenities List Page and click on the Amenity you want to review or update to open the Amenity Details page.

  2. You can review the current settings on this page and manage Reservation Options and Set Up by checking/unchecking the radio buttons.

  3. To manage settings for the selected Amenity, click Edit on the left. You can also click Add/Edit Closings to jump right to that option.

Review Reservations Preferences:

Reservation Admin Contacts can be added or deleted in the Preferences to ensure Admins are receiving notifications for new Reservations. You can also add/remove Holiday Closings and edit, add, or remove Reservation Options and Set Up Options. The full list of Reservation Options and Set Up Options is managed in the Preferences section. When adding or editing the Reservation Options or Set Up Options for an Amenity, the full list will be displayed and options can be checked or unchecked based on what is available for that specific Amenity. 

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