To replace a Designee that has left the property within the PM App, first make sure any new Designees are added as a Staff member in the Contact Management Application. For more information, please view the Quick Guide on How to Add a New User.
Once the new Designee has been added to the Contact Management application and permissions have been granted for the Mobile Task Manager and associated applications (Service Request, Preventative Maintenance, etc.), click on Jobs from the tab drop down or from the blue horizontal menu bar.
Click Bulk Update on the top left of the Jobs List page. Click the check the box next to all Jobs in the list that need to be updated. Filters on the left hand side can be used to narrow down the list.
After the applicable Jobs are checked, scroll to the bottom of the page to the Edit Checked drop down and select Assign Jobs... Next, begin typing the name of the new Designee that needs to be added to the PM Jobs/Tasks and select the name from the list. If necessary, check the box next to Remove currently assigned Designees. If currently assigned Designees are not removed, the system will simply add the new Designee to the list for each checked job. When finished, click Update to save.