Setting Up Preferences
The first step in setting up the Reservation Application is to program the application Preferences. Select Preferences from the Reservations drop-down menu at the top of your screen.
General Preferences
The Preferences section includes General Preferences, Display Preferences, and Email Templates. Be sure to select the correct building when entering Preferences.
Amenity Details
Calendar Name: This will default to the name of the property followed by "Reservation Calendar", but this can be updated at any time.
Billable System: Select "Yes" here if the billable system will be used to add billable items to Reservations, generate invoices, or request billable approval prior to adding charges. Select "No" to hide this option.
Reservation Admin Contacts: Enter the names of all Users who should receive notifications regarding newly submitted requests, canceled requests, and any tenant communications associated with individual requests. Begin typing the User's name and click to select the User from the list below.
NOTE: All staff members who need to be an Admin Contact should be added as Users in the Contact Management application. Use the Additional Email box to add anyone who should receive these notifications but do not need Maintenance Center access (Day Porters, Security, etc.)
Tenant Center Reservations Preferences
Show Reservation Status in Tenant Center: If "Yes" is selected, Tenant Users will be able to see the status of their reservation (New, Pending, Approved, Denied, etc.) within the Tenant Center. If "No" is selected, then the status of their reservations will not be seen.
Show All Reservations on Tenant Calendar View: If "Yes" is selected, then all New, Pending, Approved and Completed Reservations will be seen by the User within the Tenant Center. Selecting this option will prevent Tenant Users from submitting reservation requests for dates and times that already have existing reservations, regardless of the current status of the existing reservation.
If "No" is selected, Tenant Users will only see Approved and Completed reservations on the Tenant Reservation Calendar. Additionally, If "No" is selected, Users will have the ability to submit reservation requests for dates and times that have existing reservations submitted, unless the status of the existing reservation is "Approved" or "Completed". In this case, Management staff will be responsible for managing conflicting reservations.
Holiday Closing Settings
Standard Holidays: During the Amenity setup process, a preference can be selected to automatically close the Amenity on standard holidays selected here.
Additional Holiday Closings: Use "Add Additional Holiday" for any other holidays that should be added to the standard holiday list (New Years Observed, Patriot's Day, etc.)
Reservation Options: Enter reservation options in this section for all Amenities even if it only pertains to one room. We have provided a standard options list for your convenience, but new options can be added by typing in the item name and clicking the "+" button. Any existing options can be deleted by clicking the "x" button, or edited by updating the text field and clicking "Submit".
Once completed, this list will be available to select from when adding new Amenities. The options selected when adding the amenity will be available to select when a User enters a new Reservation.
Setup Options:
New/Existing Setup Options: Enter setup options in this section for all Amenities even if it only pertains to one room. Similar to the Reservation Options, setup options can be added, edited, or deleted. The setup options selected for an amenity will be available when a User enters a new Reservation.
If you have the application for multiple buildings, you can copy the preferences you have set up here to all your buildings by checking the "Copy these settings..." option. When ready to save, click "Submit".
Display Preferences
The Display Preferences allow you to determine which columns of information will be seen on the Reservation List page, Events List Page, and the Amenity List Page as well as how many Reservations/Amenities will be shown per page.
Email Templates
The Email Templates section provides the standard default text programmed for all status update emails that can be sent to Users when updating the status of a reservation request.
Prior to launching the application to Users, review the default text, and customize as needed.
NOTE: Do not change any of the text that is in brackets. The system pulls this information based each specific request.
To copy the templates you have set up here to all your buildings, check the "Copy these settings..." option, and when ready to save, click "Submit".