Adding and Managing Amenities
After the Reservations Application Preferences have been set up, the next step is to add your building’s amenities to the application. To complete this step, select "Add Amenity" from the horizontal menu bar or the tab drop down at the top of your screen.
Adding a New Amenity
Tool Tip: If you are trying to add an amenity that can be split into multiple sections, please add the full Amenity first. After adding the full Amenity, select Add Shared Amenity to create smaller rooms under the full Amenity.
Building: Select the building where the Amenity is located.
Amenity Name: Enter the Amenity Name. Select a name that is specific to avoid confusion; ie, 2nd Floor Mezzanine, ETS Conference Room, etc.
Amenity Location: Enter a description for the Amenity location.
Amenity Description: Enter details about the amenity including size, features, accessibility, fees, etc. Be sure to include all relevant information.
Display Order: If there are multiple Amenities available for reservations, you can determine where this new amenity will appear on the dropdown list.
Maximum Request-able Days: Enter the maximum number of dates allowed within a single reservation. If left blank, the system will allow unlimited dates within a single reservation to be requested.
Maximum Capacity: Enter the maximum capacity for the Amenity. If entered here, Users will have to enter the number of attendees expected. Leaving this field blank indicates that there is no maximum capacity for the Amenity.
Availability Schedule
Day Availability: This section allows Users to select exactly when the Amenity will be available for reservations. If the amenity is available everyday of the week, select Daily. If it's only available on the weekdays or weekends, choose the applicable selection. There is also a "Custom" option, where you can create a custom availability schedule for this Amenity.
Time Availability: Set the times that the Amenity will be available. There are three available options:
General Availability: The General Availability section provides two options:
Make Unavailable and Hide from User View - If checked, this will "hide" the Amenity so that it cannot be reserved by Users from the Tenant Center. This allows you to hide the Amenity for any reason.
Use Holiday Closing Preferences - To automatically close the Amenity for all standard Building Holidays, check this option. To view and manage the standard Building Holidays, navigate to the Preferences section of the application.
Scheduled Closings: In addition to Holiday Closings, when adding or editing, an Amenity may be closed a length of time. For example, if there is scheduled maintenance, cleaning, or improvements being done to an Amenity, the Scheduled Closings section will allow you to close the area to ensure that no reservations are made. Leave the times blank to close the Amenity for one or more full days.
Reservation Time Requirements
Minimum Notice: This setting can be used to set a minimum advanced notice time for new reservations. Reservations will be allowed as long as they are submitted by Users prior to the minimum notice time set here. For example, if management requires a 48 hour reservation window, users will not be able to reserve the amenity less than 48 hours prior to the Reservation date/time.
Minimum Edit/Cancel Time: This setting allows the User to set the minimum amount of time prior to a reservation that it can be edited or canceled by a User.
Future Reservation Limitations: This setting allows the User to determine how far in advance a reservation can be made.
Time Between Reservations: This setting allows the User to set a specific amount of time between reservations for setup, break-down and/or cleaning of the Amenity.
Available Options
Reservation/Setup Options: These options are pulled from the Preferences Section (See "Setting Up Preferences" in the Help Document). Management can select which specific reservation and setup options are available for this amenity. When reservations are submitted by Tenants, the list of Available Options can be checked by the Tenant for the reservation.
Other Details
Allow for Vendor Details: If "Yes" is checked here, the user will be able to enter vendor or catering information if applicable. The catering details include the caterer name, contact info and times the catering company will be at the property.
Require User Attachment: If "Yes" is selected a user will be required to attach a document when submitting a reservation for this amenity.
Reservation Alerts: Enter any special instructions you would like users to see prior to submitting their reservation. This will show up on the Add Reservation form when users are submitting reservation requests.
Attachments: Here you can add attachments to the amenity profile. For example, you can add floor plans, brochures, setup diagrams, etc. To add multiple attachments, click "Add Attachment". You can also name/rename the attachment, if desired. Each file needs to be 5 MB or less.
Manage/Edit an Amenity
To manage/edit an amenity, select "Amenities" from the blue horizontal menu bar or from the tab dropdown menu. Then click on the Amenity you would like to manage/edit.
This will open the Amenity Details page where you have several options:
Amenity Details: This section includes all of the amenity information such as Location, Description, Max Capacity, Available Days, etc.
Edit/Duplicate/Delete: The Amenity Details can be updated at any time by clicking Edit on the left. The Amenity can also be duplicated if there is similar Amenity that needs to be added to the system. Once the Amenity has been duplicated, it can be edited and saved as a new Amenity. Amenities can also be deleted. Note: Deleting an Amenity will also delete all existing reservations associated with the Amenity.
Add/Edit Closings: Clicking the Add/Edit Closings button will open the Scheduled Closings section of Amenity Details. Enter any dates/times that the Amenity needs to be closed. This will prevent any reservations from being submitted on those days.
Add Shared Amenities: This option allows you to add a Shared Amenity. For example, if a larger area can be separated into two smaller areas, clicking "Add Shared Amenity" will allow each area of the amenity to be reserved separately.
Amenity Schedule: This will show a calendar view of any current reservations for this amenity. It will display single reservations, multiple reservations and amenity availability. By clicking on reservation, you can navigate to the Reservation Details page to view and manage the reservation.