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Help Doc: Reservation List
Updated over 2 years ago

Navigating the Reservation List Page

To view the Reservations List, select "Reservations" from the horizontal menu bar or from the tab drop down menu.

The Reservation List page can be seen in two different views; the Reservation View, which will show all reservations, and the Date View, to show all individual dates within each reservation. To switch views, toggle the button at the top of the list

The Date View will include a Date/Time column. If multiple dates are included within a single reservation, each date will show the same Reservation ID number.

The Reservation View will include a column showing the number of days included within each reservation.

The other columns include, the auto-generated Reservation ID, the Reservation Status, the Billable Status, Reservation Name, Amenity Name, Submitted By, Company, and Building. Each column can be sorted by clicking the gray arrow.

On the left hand side of the Reservation List page are several options:

  1. Search: Type in any key word(s) and the system will search all Reservations.

  2. Add Reservation: Clicking this button, will open the Add Reservation page. For more information, view the Help Document on "How to Submit Reservations via the Maintenance Center".

  3. Bulk Update: This feature will allow you to update multiple reservations at once. After clicking Bulk Update, check the box next to each reservation you would like to update. Then scroll down to the Bulk Update dropdown menu at the bottom of the page. From here, you can update the Reservation Status, edit the Day Availability Status, change the Amenity, Flag Reservations, Clear Flags, Archive, and Delete multiple Reservations at one time. After selecting the action from the Bulk Update menu, click Submit.

  4. Show All Reservations: Click this button to remove any applied filters. The list will then populate to show all reservations within the system that have not been archived.

  5. Show Recent Reservations: This option will show all reservations submitted within the last 30 days.

Under the Show All Reservations button are additional filters that can be applied to narrow the list. One or more filters can be applied at one time. Click the green refresh icon within each filter box, or select Update Filters to apply more than one filter at a time.

  1. Building: Use the Building filter to view all Reservations for one or more buildings.

  2. Company: Check the box next to one or more Companies in the list. There may be type to add field instead of checkboxes if the Company list is long.

  3. Amenity Name: Use this to filter the Reservation List by Amenity.

  4. Reservation Date: Use this filter to narrow the list by Reservation Date or by the date when the reservation was added to the system.

  5. Reservation Status: Use this filter to narrow the Reservation List by to one or more of the Reservation Statuses.

  6. Day Availability Status: Use this filter to view the Day Availability status.

  7. Submitted By: Check the box next the name or type to add in the field provided, to view reservations submitted by a specific person.

  8. Billable Status: Use this filter to show reservations for one or more of the Billable Statuses.

  9. Options: Use this filter to show all Archived Reservations in the Reservation List.

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