The ETS Mobile Tenant Center App, available for download from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, allows tenants to add amenity reservations from any mobile device. This simple to use app allows users to enter and manage amenity reservations anytime, with just a few clicks.
Please note: To view and manage reservations in the Mobile Tenant Center App, User permissions for the Reservations app must first be granted to the user within the Contact Management application.
To enter a new reservation, tenants will begin by opening the Mobile Tenant Center App. After clicking Request Reservation, they will be prompted to select an amenity from the list.
The amenity list will include the amenity description, location, capacity, availability, as well as any attachments associated with the amenity. After locating the desired amenity, the user will click Reserve to enter additional reservation information.
Reservation Alerts that have been added to the amenity details will be shown at the top of the screen. The name, email, and phone number of the tenant who is logged into the app will auto-fill according to the contact information in the user's Contact Management profile.
If the reservation contact is different from the user who is entering the reservation, contact information can be added in the following section, otherwise the user will check the box next to “Same as above.”
The reservation name and number of attendees will be entered in the reservation details section. The attendee list and email reminder fields are not required fields.
To receive auto generated reminders, email addresses can be added to the field provided. Reminders will be sent out 7 days before, the day before, and the morning of the reservation.
In the Reservation Dates section, the tenant will be able to add one or more dates, depending on the number of “Maximum request-able days” set in the amenity details. If the amenity has been set up to allow more than one date per reservation, the user may click the plus sign to enter another date and time to the reservation.
If Vendor Details have been enabled in the Preferences of the Reservations application, the vendor details section will show a checkbox next to each date within the reservation. Checking the box will open the section where vendor details can be added.
The next section allows the tenant to select one or more available Reservation Options and/or Setup Options. There is also a field for any Special Requests. The final section allows the user to upload and name one or more attachments. This can be used for documents such as fitness center waivers, vendor COI’s, etc. When all reservation information has been added, the user will click Submit in the bottom right corner.
After clicking submit, the reservation details page will open. From here, the tenant may select the home button to return to the home page of the Mobile Tenant Center.
To view and manage reservations, the user will click My Reservations from the home page of the Mobile Tenant Center App.
A full list of reservations entered by the tenant will be shown in the list. If the user is a Tenant Admin, the list will include all reservations entered by anyone within the tenant company.
Clicking on a reservation in the list will open the reservation details. From here, the tenant has the following options, shown at the top of the screen.
Selecting Edit will allow the user to make changes to the reservation and submit to property management for review.
Selecting Cancel will open a confirmation page, asking the user if they are sure they want to delete the reservation.
Finally, the tenant may select Communication to view any notifications and notes that have been added to reservation.
Selecting Communication also allows the tenant to submit a note to the property management team, if desired. To add a note, the tenant will click within the Message field, at the bottom of the page, then click the blue plus sign in the bottom right corner to submit. All notes will be sent to the reservation admin contacts listed in the Preferences of the Reservations application and will be documented in the reservation details.