CM Help: How to Manage a User Profile
Amy Fawcett avatar
Written by Amy Fawcett
Updated over a week ago

To view and manage details, settings, and permissions for any User in the system, click Users from the Contact Management dropdown menu. Scroll down the list or use the search box to find the User, then click within the row to open the User Details.

User Details page:

  1. The User Details page will display the User's Name, Company, Primary Email, and the building or buildings the User is associated with. To make any changes to the User's profile, choose Edit User on the left. When finished, be sure to click Submit to save any changes.

2. If a mobile phone number has been entered, an icon will be shown next to the number. If the icon is green, the User has opted in to text notifications from the number 72029. If the icon is red, the User has opted out of notifications. If the icon is gray, the User has not yet opted in or out of text notifications. For more information, view the video on Short Code Messaging.

3. The Latest History section will show the five most recent History items. Each item will be time-stamped and will indicate the Maintenance Center User associated with History item. To view additional details, click on the History item to view additional details. Click User History on the left to view a full list.

User Profile Menu:

  1. Select Add Note to enter a Note to the User's Profile. To find all Notes associated with the User, select User History.

  2. Select User History to navigate to the History section of the application. The page will display a list of all History items associated with this User.

  3. If a user has Maintenance Center or Mobile Task Manager access, select User Tasks to open the User's Designee Details.

  4. Select Edit User to make any changes to the User's profile, access, settings, or preferences.

  5. Select Edit Company to make changes to the Company associated with the User.

  6. If a new User has been set up with Maintenance Center, Tenant Center, and/or Mobile Task Manager access, click Send User Login Email to send the login email and temporary password. If the User already has access to the Maintenance Center, Tenant Center, and/or Mobile Task Manager, there will be a link to send the User a password reset email.

  7. Select Delete User to permanently delete the User from the application. You will be asked to confirm prior to deleting the User. This operation can not be undone.

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