PM Help Doc: How to View & Manage Jobs
Amy Fawcett avatar
Written by Amy Fawcett
Updated over a week ago

How to View and Manage Jobs

To view and manage existing jobs, use the Preventative Maintenance tab drop-down menu to select Jobs. The Jobs List page provides a complete list of all existing PM Jobs and Repair Jobs in the application. On the left, there are various Options and Filters to choose from when managing jobs.


  1. Add a PM Job - Select this option to begin entering a new PM Job into the application.

  2. Add Repair Job - Select this option to add a one time Repair Job for an existing piece of Equipment.

  3. Import Jobs - Select this option to import multiple Jobs at one time using an Excel template. For more information, view the section on How to Use the Import Equipment and the How to Use the Import Jobs Feature.

  4. Bulk Update - Select this option to manage multiple Jobs at one time. Bulk Update options are as follows:

    1. Assign Jobs - Allows the user to assign all Tasks for a specific Job to one or more Designees.

    2. Add Custom Fields - Allows users to add Custom Fields to the Job/s selected. For more information, view the help doc How to Manage Preferences and set up Custom Fields.

    3. Change Time Estimation - Allows the user to update the Estimated Time for the selected jobs. Please Note: This will overwrite any existing Estimated Time information.

    4. Delete Jobs - Allows the user to delete multiple jobs at once. Please Note: Deleting one or more Jobs from the application will delete all history for the selected Jobs.

    5. Flag as After Hours - Allows the user to flag the Job as After Hours so assigned Designee's can schedule accordingly when Tasks for the selected Job is due.

    6. Set Frequency - Allows users to edit the Frequency for selected Jobs. Please Note: Updating Frequency using Bulk Update will not change the start and end date for the Job.

    7. View Job Information - Allows the user to edit Job details for the selected Jobs. Click the checkbox next to the field/s that need to be updated. Please Note: This will overwrite any existing data. Custom Templates can be added to multiple Jobs from this page as well.

    8. Set Job Priority level - Allows users to update the Job Priority level allowing assigned Designees to prioritize Tasks accordingly.

Filters: Filters can be used to narrow the Jobs shown in the list as needed. Users can filter by any of the following. A single filter can be applied at one time by clicking the green refresh icon or use the Update Filters button to apply multiple filters at once. Click Show All Jobs to remove all filters.

  1. Building(s)

  2. Date Range

  3. System

  4. Equipment

  5. Designee

  6. Schedule

  7. Job Type

  8. Template

  9. Frequency.

Sort: Click the arrow at the top of any column to sort the list alphabetically or numerically (A to Z or 1 to 100). Click again to reverse the order (Z to A or 100 to 1).

Viewing and Managing Job Details
To view the Job Details, select the Job from the list by clicking anywhere within the row. The Job Details page allows users to view and manage Job information as follows:

  1. Options:

    1. Edit - Click edit to update the Job Details.

    2. Archive - Click to archive the Job and all Tasks associated with the Job.

    3. Duplicate - Click duplicate to create a copy of the Job. It can then be edited as needed create a new Job.

    4. Delete - Click delete to remove the Job and all History from the application.

    5. Print - This option provides a printable version of the Job Details.

  2. Job Schedule - The Job Schedule provides a calendar view displaying all Task due dates, Repair Jobs, Past Due Tasks, and the Renewal Date. Hover over a date to view a summary of the Task details.

  3. Comments/Status Updates - Any comments or status updates for Tasks associated with this Job will be listed here. Each comment will include the Task and Job ID along with a date/time stamp and the email address of the user who added the comments or updated the status.

  4. Attachments - Click to view any attachments associated with the Job, or select Add/Edit to update Attachments.

  5. Equipment Information - This provides a summary of the Equipment Details. From here users can edit the Equipment Details or add a new PM Job or Repair Job for the selected piece of Equipment. For more information on managing Equipment, view the help doc entitled How to View & Manage Equipment.

  6. Task Dates - This section lists all scheduled Task dates based on the Job Frequency and Start / End Dates. Assigned Designees for each Task will be listed here as well.

Options when managing Task Dates include:

  1. Add Task - This option allows the user to add a single Task for this Job. Click Add Task to enter the Task due date and assign it to one or more Designees. Adding a task will not affect the existing Job schedule or any other task dates, it just adds a single Task to the Job.

  2. Bulk Update - This option allows users to manage multiple tasks at once, including assigning tasks, updating the task due date, updating the status, etc. For more information on this feature view the help doc entitled How to View & Manage Tasks.

  3. Manage Assignments - This option will open the Bulk Update menu. Click the checkbox next to any Tasks that need to be updated, then select Assign Tasks to add or manage Assigned Designees.

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