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CM Help: Generating Reports & Downloads
Updated over 3 years ago

Reports and Downloads available in the Contact Management application can be accessed by selecting Reporting from the dropdown menu or the blue horizontal menu bar.

User's Access Log

The User's Access Log provides a list of Maintenance Center and Tenant Center Users that have logged in, either successfully or unsuccessfully. This report will display a date and time stamp, the name of the User, their username, and the location of the login (Maintenance Center, Mobile Task Manager, or Tenant Center).

  1. To search for a specific User, use the Search field on the left.

  2. Use the Filters on the left to filter the list by Building, Login Result, Login Date, and/or Location.

  3. Select Show All to clear the Filters to see the full list.

Download Users (Excel File)

From the Downloads section, you can generate an Excel spreadsheet that will include all User contact data. For each data field populated when the User profile was added, there will be an individual column on the Excel spreadsheet for that data.

  1. To generate the download, click the report link circled above. It will then ask you to select which Building you would like to generate the download for.

  2. The next page will provide the report parameters and a link to download the User list in either Excel or csv format.

The report will then download to your computer. Open the report in Excel to customize the format as needed.

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